The Stella LED range 120W, 220W and 440W (twin setup) have proven to be efficient, reliable and economical. Before going live, the fitting have gone through rigorous testing in Ports such as Singapore, Felixstowe, Abu Dhabi and Dubai on both STS QC and hi-masts. It has met all our high demands and we are happy to have delivered to KoneCranes latest RTG cranes as well as the most modern Paceco cranes. At the same time, by using different optics, the Stella is also ideal for Hi-masts and Port of Dakar have bought the Stella LED to replace their current LED fittings (which gets over-heated). In Sweden we use yet another set of optics (and the short bracket int he picture below) to provide outstanding performance and reliability to the new workshops and ware-houses being built in our town.  

 -- IMG_4338.JPG (Stella LED bench)